Friday, September 23, 2011

Moving. {InstaFriday}

life rearranged

How is it Friday already?
I really cant believe it  D:

So I am putting the last 2 weeks into this post since these past 2 weeks have been packing and moving.

I baby sat The Boy twice last week. Sunday the 11th and then again on Friday
Sunday he was an angel. The Hubby came with me and the two of them played a few games while I crafted.
We went for a little shopping, and believe me when I say this kid HATE shopping.
He was perfect in the store, we then went over to Gamestop to spend his very late birthday money from us.
4 games for $20 and I was even happier and proud at the games he picked out. I didn't have to do a lot of nudging either, none really just telling him to watch the prices.

Friday we sat around and did nothing really. It was chilly out and Herbert didn't want him outside.
So he pulled out the laser and played with D and B.
We laughed for about am hour at B's lady-likeness (so not a word)
And then Herbert came home, we talked for a little, said Bye for now since its the last time I will see her till we visit back home. I went and picked up my glasses then went home to get ready for the first trip of the 3 to Pittsburgh in the next 5 days.

The Hubby and I packed an over night bag and left to pick up his Mom.
After that we were on the road yet again.
We arrived early Friday evening and went to do a little shopping. Quick trip to Ikea since the MIL has never been there.
Then a trip to one of the pet stores.
My MIL has been in search of a bull Mastiff for about a year and a half to 2 years. We found puppies the last time we were up and she wanted to take a look.
She found her little boy and we made plans to pick him up Saturday when we left to head home.

It was a puppy filled weekend for my family.
Early Monday morning, early like we left at 3am, I rode out with my sister to pick up her baby girl.
I am so smitten with her. <3
So now we have a little(not really) Bull Mastiff and a Tiny Husky in our beautiful family.

Monday afternoon we made a "quick" trip to Pitt to pay for our lease and drop a load off at the house.
Ran and bought our bed and a few other things at Ikea before we left.
One good thing I have to say about Pitt at night. The lights are gorgeous and the road are ok when no one is on them.
This is the time I can enjoy the city.

Wednesday was the move.Well it was 12am when we left.
Some would say that is still Tuesday, its Wednesday to me.
We unpacked my car, left the truck for later... built the bed and it was 6am before we got to sleep.
A few hours later we were up and unpacking the truck. Then made a run to get some cleaning supplies.

This tiny little shop made everything better for me. <3
I have not had or even seen a Rita's in about 10 years.
So we got our amazing fuel and came home.

Its just been unpacking ever since.

InstaChallenge for last week was something you love.
Right now that is my Alpaca plushie from pre-ordering the new game in my favorite game line.
I needed something to play and keep me sane while we were taking breaks from the move.
Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar I am still working on. But Two Cites is pretty cool. its going to take some getting use too.

InstaChallenge this week was something you dislike.
One word.

I hate it so much, I swear we are hiring movers next time. Half these boxes we were not even there to watch them pack when they left japan. We don't know what a lot of it is. And its just a cluster-mess in half the boxes. -_-
Whoever the air force hires to do this crap really needs fired.

Well I have to get back to cleaning and junk.
Hope everyone's week has been a great one.
See you later!


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