Thursday, September 8, 2011

Green Eco Friendly Home

My husband and I were out to lunch today when I spotted a "new", at least for me, Eco shop. Green Home Goods I had to stop in and see what they offered. Must say I was a little surprised it was a beautiful little shop. They offered a range of things from decor, soaps, flooring, ect.. Most over priced, manly the things that I have seen floating around blog land and things easily hack-able.

(Source: Green Home Goods)
The kitchen set up was beautiful and I would love to have a kitchen like this in the future. I hope maybe next time I am in I can talk a little to the ladies who work there. But I believe the flooring though the store was some of the things they offer. Along with the counter tops back there.

(Source: Green Home Goods)

When you walk in you can see the kitchen setting but there are some home decor things to you left, notebooks and some soup products to your right. A separate room has some other items along with a $95 cardboard lamp that it SO hack-able. The above photo is a PaperStone Countertop which is something I totally want when we own our own home. They are so beautiful and 100% green makes it even better. There was also a lot of flooring to look at. Cork, bamboo, re-claimed wood, and more options. Such a cool neat way to look as some green options. I love re-claimed wood in the first place, and I have seen it used in flooring. I love the look!

They also had a ton of other products that were fun to look at. Sadly no soup that I have actually been looking for. Looks like I might be ordering offline anyway. ): Though learning to make my own sounds fun, and I have wanted to make soups and candles since I was young. They had a lot of furniture too, nothing that struck my fancy to much. However there were a lot of items I did see that like I said above were hack-able or I have seen tutorials for floating around blogs...

Bottle glasses, how many of these I have seen? I have actually made some before and look forward to doing it again. I do love the labels that are printed on the glass though. Can't find to many of those bottles around anymore.

Labels and Wrapper handbags. I have seen these made from newspaper and magazines also. There are a ton of these in other styles and even other items with the same idea. Barnes and Nobles has notebooks and that made like this. Other places have baskets!

I saw something like this floating around just recently and I can't remember where. Using the would from an old wine barrel to make a wine rack. Actually wine barrels have many uses, I wish I could find some for myself. ):

Eco items are everywhere now and its exciting. I love the thought of making my own cleaners and that, knowing that you are not exposing your family, pets and yourself to the harmful chemicals is a nice relief. I always have things I hold onto to reuse or make into something. Some people say its a problem but I know that it is just waiting to be turn pretty or become useful in another way. Does anyone else out there feel like that? What are some of your green eco friendly ideas?

Have a good day guys!

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