Yea I said it, its only the beginning of November and I am starting on Christmas things. I actually want to get fully decorated for one holiday! December is a very busy month for my family, all winter really, but December mainly. It would have to be my family who's birthdays fall all winter. Most of them at least, we have a birthday or 3 every week. The week of Christmas is the best! My aunts birthday is Christmas eve so its always a tradition for my sister, mother, and I to sit down and call her around midnight Christmas eve. Wishing her a Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas all in one. My Grandmother's birthday is the day after so its a big weekend at her house. Close cousin's birthday is then the 29th and then we have New Years. Its like a 2 week holiday. Man did I miss all of it while we were in Japan. Even though we are only 2 hours away now I am hoping we get to go home this year. With the Hubby's family now our holidays are a rush, can't wait to see it when we have kids.
Anyway, once December hits I wouldn't get anything done. So I am starting down, which means after Thanksgiving I start tearing down the Fall decor. Like right after dinner. :) Not really, my hubby would have a fit. But Black Friday and over the weekend, nothing will survive. Kinda makes me sad since Fall is my favorite season and snow has already ruined it.
Ignore the furniture, I know none of it matches. It will all be fixed hopefully in the spring.

This stand will be moved into our bed room very soon. That is where it belongs after all, but for now it holds some fall items. The lantern is a new addition after Herbert's first trip to Ikea last week. I had to get it since I have been "ogling" it forever as the hubby says. Did you know they have large ones now! Like almost as big as my milk can. Wait... I never showed you my milk can, well its a big milk can. I am sure you know what I am talking about.

I forgot my mirror iTouch screen there :( sorry. Imagine I am waving to you
Anyway I am happy to announce that I will not be killing all the movers that packed our things. I found my West Moreland Glass last week and I squealed in joy! It was given to me by my Nana (My Mom's, mom) before I left for Japan. My mother grew up only about an hour from where we live now, and My Nana's family bought a lot of West Moreland Glass growing up. I love this vase so much and I would have bawled and hurt someone if it would have been broken.
It holds some pom-pom flowers that I made last weekend with Herbert. I use to make them all the time when I was little. So I showed her how to make pom-poms and we made some "dandelions" for fall. <3
Some paper pumpkins on the shelves below since there were bare. I really need to unpack our books...

Some more dandelions on one sneak peek of my major project the past two weeks.

Oh this table will be the end of me. I love it so much but it REALLY needs a face lift. On it you can see my favorite little pumpkin beside my favorite candle warmer. That basket underneath hides our tv and one PlayStation 3 remote since that is our "tv." A little candy corn in the bottom of a vase full of some wheat with a pretty little bow.

Another sneak peek of my big project! ;) Also remember that mirror from awhile back. She got a paint job and some glaze. That candle is a little small for her but it will be replaced soon. That frame with the pine cones might be something someone might recognized.
Until later, Happy Fall!
- Brit
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