Has anyone ever seen this movie? This what what I got my Dad for Christmas, its one of my families favorites. We have an old VHS that is probably close to being worn out. I was actually surprised it didn't go into the DVD player right when he opened it. I walked by it in the store and grabbed the only 2 copies they had because I knew it was perfect.
Sadly I didn't get to make any of the gifts I wanted to make. I ran out of time, but I am starting to work some now for next year!But anyway, what I wanted to share today is my family's Christmas tree. Its one of the things my mom, sister, and I did together every year. I kinda miss it but its nice to go home and see what new ornaments my mom got each year. We kinda have a tradition of getting 1 ornament every year on Christmas Eve night. Mom always got us one so my sister and I started getting some for her since most of her tree will be empty once I take my ornaments and my sister takes her.

That tinsel on there is about 25 years old, maybe older. And it still refuses to fall apart... my tinsel I bought for my wreath started falling apart as soon as I bought it. And of course my mom and myself like white lights better then multi, but before my mom got a prelit tree she would use about 6 or 7 strands, wrapping each and every branch with multi colored lights... every year. I still do not know how she did it. So a few years ago when she got her first prelit tree she made sure to get a white and multi tree. its a happy middle for her and my sister, not so much for me.
All the ornaments are a mismatch of things from over the years. Most are bought, but some my sister and I made, some my grandmother and family made. Here are some of my favorites...

Of course my first Christmas is one I always was sure to hang. Its not the prettiest but its mine and no one in the house can argue that with me.

Another one of mine that I always hung. This was my pre school in Virgina, yes that is a picture of me on the top there.

Just a few of the many ornaments my Grandmother use to make. The clay dog was made by my cousin however. An image of our family Lab, Sierra.

My precious moments Birthday angel.

And of course I can't forget the pickle. I forgot to buy one of these again this year... then even had a bunch at Pier 1 when I went to spend my gift cards. Oh well, I will have to find a special one some year.
Tomorrow I will share the rest of my decor before I tear it down. I already started thinking about Easter decorations. :o I know to early but I want to get all my ideas made this year.
But all in all I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
- Brit
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