I shared my Christmas Tree last week. Just wanted to share the rest of my decorations before 2011 ends.

Lets start with our book shelf. I bought a small live tree from Walmart, its sprayed with some fake snow but it will go away when the needles shed. Hopefully I can keep it alive. ): My Ikea lantern of course and of my favorite ornaments that are 2 head for our tree. A milk bottle filled with Epson salts and a taper along with some other touches. I feel like its a little cluttered but I left it alone because the Hubs said he like it.

The deer in the back was one of my thrift store finds earlier this year. Along with a tree plate I found at the same time. I painted them silver to match my decorations and they both covered pretty well. Actually the plate was the best thing I have painted this year. No problems so I love it!

Just a small area on one end table on the left of the couch. That little tree is one of those old fashion cookie jars that I filled with some small Christmas balls. The Cardinal candle is from the dollar section at Target.

That other tree plate as one of my find from my first trip to the Habitat ReStore. It has some texture on it so its a little different then the other. Some candles and Ball Jars with some Epson salts with votives. My poinsettia that I really hope I don't kill. The star taper holders were 2 other habitat store finds.
And of course Dickens! He is the little mouse up there that I could not leave without. He was just to adorable.

My shelf is a little boring. I did have a wreath for on the mirror but it got destroyed somehow. My husband also doesn't know that the stocking is suppose to be cuffed, so he unrolled it to stuff it. I enjoyed the gifts inside though! ;) Tempy has stolen both those loofa dogs, Tally really loved them when he was small but I guess he doesn't anymore.
We can't forget about my Frosted Glass Window Hanging! <3 I love it...

Coming in from the hall and Kitchen I made this garland to hang since my Kitchen decorations are a rustic mix. I really didn't get to put them out this year sadly. I am still using the kitchen table as a computer desk. But we are slowly getting things finished around the house.

By the way... I will never paint bells again. I tried them just laying on paper, it didn't work. I also used primer but I still had some issues with some bells. But I am still happy I at least tried it.

My wreath got a new addition that now has a shattered leg thanks to Tempy. >:( But at least it was only a dollar and I am still going to try and fix him.
He started out like this. The one laying down I have other plans for.

Just simple outside. I was hoping to get some lights up in the windows but never found clips to hang them. Maybe next year.
I am enjoying the clearance Christmas items. I have a bunch of new items that I am excited to use next year!
~ Brit